Dr. Vishnu and Jasmine
Dr. Vishnu and Jasmine had started to set up the ISI Shule in Munich, Germany with the first lecture that Dr. Vishanu gave the lecture in the exoteric bookstore organized by Christina Jacobsen which about 21 students had registered with Jasmine to get the Life-Reading from Dr. Vishnu. After they get the reading the first-weekend seminar has fully Bookout by all of the 21 students. After 2 weekends seminar, all of them continued to do Self-Improvement Training to clear and clean out and reset the new energy formula with 3 weeks seminar. After that's all of them keep continued learning Clairvoyant Reading with another 3 weeks seminar.
Since that time has begun Dr. Vishnu had developed the new class as most students want to learn by let's all the students write down what's the favorite subjects. The class. of the ISI Schele had designed by Dr.Vishnu from one group to another group from Germany to Austria for 13 years with one year fully booking in advance with nonrefundable 30% payment from all the students.
Jasmine had designed to come back to Thailand because of their beloved daughter has born and need good care with great love and attention from Jasmine. Which is the great opportunity to be the mother of her second baby?
Dr. Vishnu was continued teaching his old students group for 17 years in Austria with a new and most fast way to be a clairvoyant teacher by let's many teachers trained to do their own lecture and learn how to be seminar organizer until most of his students of the ISI Schule are blooming in Germany, Switzerland Austria, England, Netherland.
2001-2020 Dr. Vishnu has stopped giving all the reading and class in Europe and return back to Hawaii to his beloved Student name Michael is the co-worker in the Earthtrust Organization, Dedicated to Wildlife Protection in Honolulu, Hawaii.From mid-Febuary - May July-September - September back to Vienna and Spain.
During these long journeys from Thailand to Hawaii and to Europe. Dr.Vishnu had started to write the article on his website and building up his own youtube video for his favorite group. Which is the same time in Thailand he has been walking and talking and joining in the computer, finance, hiking, traveling teams every week? Plus activate his chi with long walking up to the forest every evening.