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Professional Seminars
Advanced Self-Improvement Training


Improving the Vitality of
Your Well Being

Come and Experience the great Self-Improvement (in English , French and German) By giving to both yourself and to help local charities.

The Pothiyalai Spiritual Center is conducting Self-Improvement Training by request.

During this training, we are glad to offer you Self-Improvement Sessions from our graduate students for only 1,000 baht per Session (regularly priced at 2000 baht).

We offer two available times each day by request.

All the income from this special offer is donated to local charities. If you know someone who might need to improve the vitality of their well being and balance their energy, please let them know.

Click here for Booking online or email us at jadequeen168@gmail.com

This training program offers an advanced, comprehensive and in-depth approach to the spectrum of Self-Improvment Training techniques. It is designed to offer those preparing for professional Self-Improvement Therapy as an alternative healing practice with a greater advantage.

Offered as an advanced and comprehensive professional Self-Improvement Therapy Training course for professionals who desire the most comprehensive knowledge and understanding of holistic and alternative health care methods by considering the nature of healing and manifesting human growth potential for a students own personal use. Students develop personally on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level with different technical healing skills and expanding to deeper skills. As a professional health-care provider with a higher perception of self.

You will learn:

  • Types of energy blocks.

  • Power of color sensors which will guide you to deeper levels of healing work.

  • Power of Tone Sensors which will help you to dissolve self-limitations and your negative beliefs.

  • Observe and experience by direct practise how to guide other in processing.

  • Power of the Subconscious Mind, with a Self-Improvement Therapy Training Manual.

  • Observations of the energy patterns of the major character structures and their phychological functions.

  • Transformation and self-responsibility to encounter patients who will develop your challenge to be a healer.

  • Experience and create your own process by dynamically over coming of the energy blocks to physical disease.

  • The major aspects of each character structure, physical and energetic systems that have an effect on relationships.

  • How to build an ultimate therapy practice with thought forms and an externship guide.

If you want to create a new life with new ability and the possibility to be the great healer as well as explore your clairvoyant ability as a clairvoyant and spiritual counselor. Advance Self-Improvement Training is for you.

Total of 120 hours of teaching with 30 sessions of experience with clients

Cost : by request

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