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Professional Seminars

Clairvoyant Training

The Pothiyalai Spiritual Center is conducting clairvoyant training. We are glad to offer you healing life readings from our graduate students.. If you know someone who might need to have an enhanced overview and clear insight into their life situations, please let them know as well.

Clairyant Reading

A reading is done through clairvoyance, which means clear seeing in a neutral position and using the power of the truth to see what is going on in the energy field surrounding the body, or aura. The reader has access to information in the aura, as well as the major energies of the body. Answers are found in the seven layers of the aura, with truthful information that taps into the experiences that carries the energy of old memories, from one experience to another, and from time to time. The information will identity your personality and how that personality is activated in your relationship with others. During a professional clairvoyant reading you may ask questions or simply allow questions to evolve from your aura; questions that perhaps you did not know you had. Answers to such issues as disharmony in relationships, career interests, life paths and personal growth are ones most commanly revealed. This is combined with what can be seen from past lives and past experiences in this life. Your self-actualizing and self-limiting beliefs, and life patterns will emerge to give you a reading that makes sense to you in terms of your present situation.


A reading is done through clairvoyance, which means clear seeing in a neutral position and using the power of the truth to see what is going on in the energy field surrounding the body, or aura. The reader has access to information in the aura, as well as the major energies of the body. Answers are found in the seven layers of the aura, with truthful information that taps into the experiences that carries the energy of old memories, from one experience to another, and from time to time. The information will identity your personality and how that personality is activated in your relationship with others. During a professional clairvoyant reading you may ask questions or simply allow questions to evolve from your aura; questions that perhaps you did not know you had. Answers to such issues as disharmony in relationships, career interests, life paths and personal growth are ones most commanly revealed. This is combined with what can be seen from past lives and past experiences in this life. Your self-actualizing and self-limiting beliefs, and life patterns will emerge to give you a reading that makes sense to you in terms of your present situation.

The reading becomes a meaningful communication when applied to another person to find out about who they are as a person and seeing their personality as an expression of how they have integrated the energetic experience of their lives.

The purpose of the reader is to see the client holistically, clearly and multi-
dimensionally in energetic terms and translate that information to the client in a way that facilitates healing through understanding.

You will learn to do the following clairvoyant readings on other people:

  • Personality Readings

  • Destiny Readings

  • Pastlife Readings

  • Male-Female-Energy and Balancing Readings

  • Creative Master Character Readings

  • Chakra and Aura Readings

  • Present Growth Readings

If you want to create a new life with new abilities and possibilities to be a clairvoyant and a spiritual healer-counselor, your next change will depend on you.

Total of 120 hours of teaching with 30 sessions of experience with clients from Mon- Fri at 9.00 a.m-5.00 p.m.

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