Expressive Dance
Enjoy getting in touch with your body through
free movement. The techniques involved are arranged in sets
of kundalini exercises,with kriyas that include postures and
movements combined with various powerful breathing techniques
and mantras (sacred sounds). This gradually charges the energy
centers (chakras) and harmonizes the flow of energy around you,
to a point of complete purity and balance, where the intelligent
force that lights the world emerges as our true Being.
The clairvoyant perceives and reads the auric field in every
decision,thought, feelingand life experience that effects your
Elements are combined from a variety of forms including , the
creative ability of intuition and awareness of the energy field.
Expressive dance clears and cleans the unhealthy or blocked
energies, charges depleted areas, repairs distorted patterns
and balances the entire auric field.
By means of clairvoyant understanding, and by practice and guiding
exercises you will find out what you really want to do and how
to create a new self.
The basic circulating energy of life with energy work promotes
health and healing on the physical body , emotional body, mental
body and spiritual body.Combining elements from a variety of
forms, including spontaneous means of clairvoyant understandings,
practising and guiding exercises and getting in touch with the
whole body by using energy healing modalities in order to find
out what you really want to do and how to create a new self.
As a result, classes are designed for personal exploration,
for harmonious kundalini energy for healing and results in initializing
your ability to activate creative energy to heal youself. |
Combining elements from a variety of forms including the clairvoyant
and by spontaneous means of clairvoyant understanding, practice and
guiding exercises helping you to find out what you really want to
do and how to create a new self.
This class will be held with a minimum of 8 persons
(5 days from Mo.- Fr. at 5.30- 7.30 p.m.)
Classes are by appointment only
