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Special Offer
Health Retreat for the Active and Effective Life


To give you:
More than your money's worth
More than relaxing your body and calming your mind
Knowing what is inside of you
Freedom to guide your own life

Who are you? Without knowing your true nature and being aware of your potential, what fullness of life can you experience? The vast majority of humanity goes through a hectic life style in an unclear state, unaware of who they really are and what untapped potential life offers. They have no idea what their purpose in life is.

How have you developed your ideas, solved problems and made decisions? Know yourself, your behaviorial style your personal and emotional competencies that enhance performance, job satisfaction and well being. You will most likely find yourself benefiting in many other ways as a result of your increasing awareness and effective self-help techniques.

You have the capacity to relieve stress for better health, better relationships, greater creativity, prosperity, fulfillment and happiness.

By learning more about your creative and problem solving style, you will be better able to understand the strengths and weaknesses of different styles, and how to respond, to manage innovation and to produce effective changes.



Learning more about your personality and behavioral style, you will be better able to understand the impact you have on others on your family and how to improve your personal effectiveness.

Personal competency is how you feel you perform most effectively. Personality covers the five personality factors: extraversion, agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness and emotional stability. These influence how people approach their work, communicate, relate to others, respond to change and handle stress.

Discovering your self and your emotions. The new science of emotional health recently confirmed that emotional memories can also imprison your anxiety, trauma, panic, mania, depression and schizophrenia. This science is discovering pathways in your brain and that powerful emotional memories protect you against repeating harmful encounters.

Learn the most effective methods and exercises available. How does feeling imprint memory and guide you to release negative emotions such as fear, anger, depression, guilt, and jealousy. Releasing the negative emotions you have been carrying around with you will help you feel free and peaceful. Be more aware of your emotions and guide yourself with positive emotions. You will be able to move on and live with a healthier lifestyle.

To understand and realize consciously or unconsciously that there is an emptiness, an insufficiency in our lives, and trying to run away from our insufficiency and sensations, works constantly in the movement of our life.

How would you rate your mental abilities, your weaknesses, your psychological dimensions that measure your mental mindset, confidence and attitude. Mental mistakes are much more severe than physical errors. The mind must be free from the attempt to hold onto self-protective lessons of experience and the burden of explanatory knowledge.

Learn how to get rid of the weakness and emptiness by becoming aware of various kinds of dynamism, motives and values, sociability, openness, and anxieties with the self-realization of your whole being.


Beliefs from family background, culture and socialization can easily influence your truth and make it more difficult for you to know who you are and what you want.

Look over the situations in your life and be more aware of removing the layers of the masks you have been taught to wear. Become aware of the high expectations of yourself with your true experience.

Find out your hidden talents, and your capacity to give and receive love. You will be able to better understand the impact you have on others and how to manage and lead more effectively.

Learn more about your personal and management competencies with a greater sense of awareness. By opening and focusing your consciousness on the power of your truth, you are empowered to easily know the true meaning of your life and what you want in order to be creative in a leadership or management role.

If you're interested in joining this program, please make an online reservation here.

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