The exploration and enrichment of a Multi-Dimensional Approach
to Ulterior Kundalini Healing Training
How to build Ulterior
Kundalini healing on a Multi-Dimensional Approach (a group
of clients) is dedicated to the exploration and enrichment of Ulterior
Kundalini Healing Training
The training includes body psychotherapy, psychological processes, deep self-introspection,
high sense perception, the integration of the creative arts with the healing spirit, and the
development of a professional presence. Meditation, channeling, and personalized spiritual
practices in which all religious persuasions are welcome completes the full spectrum of the
healing curriculum.
This is accomplished through learning Ulterior
Kundalini healing modalities and hands-on techniques utilized
during class.Students learn through lectures, demonstrations, practice
and direct experience mastering the most valuable aspects of many
techniques and approaches to healing.
The class is given to those students who desire the most comprehensive
knowledge and understanding of the Ulterior
Kundalini healing for health care, spiritual understanding
and to develop a strong sense of personal responsibility, integrity,
joy in creative expression, and delight in discovering and bringing
forth their unique work into the world. A specialized objective
of this course is to provide an integrated approach to health and
wellness utilizing skills and techniques in the field of Ulterior
Kundalini Healing.
This course combines lecture, demonstrations, techniques, and
professional skills, along with hands-on experience in the classroom,
as well as an internship and externship. The class provides a uniquely
powerful and safe environment in which healing can take place on
the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels
You will learn how to:
- Practice the power of the subconscious mind to separate
the energy of each character structure, the personality
makeup of different clients at the same time using the higher
technique of Ulterior Kundalini sensory systems.
- Set, establish and focus qually and balance to expand
the deeper skills as a professional health-care provider
for different clients at the same time as well as learning
how to heal different clients at the same time with clearer
and more effective methods.
- Develop a new generation of distant healing with more
simple and effective methods for balancing and healing your
- Microscopically focus on vibrating exercises to center
and gather power to exchange experiences and receive spiritual
- Channel the spiritual teacher for external guidance and
create holistic healing modalities.
- Explore your healing processes by practicing the skills
and techniques through demonstrations. Individual attention
is given to guide the student's progress with a flowing,
thorough and effective style.
- Express the Ulterior Kundalini Sensor with microscopic internal vision using creative process
of healing from a Multi-Dimensional Approach exploring deeper processes of disease
- Observe other students in order to sense psychic spaces
and see the human aura.
