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Present Growth Readings

The reading is done by Kundalini energy work. It's good for the students are not often in practising the self-improvement or the one that has been practising but not be able to get out of the block by themselves because of the energy are limit.

During the reading Jasmine will immediatly pick up all the energy pattern and the way of the energy flow with in the clients energy. She will know immediatly which part of your physical is havingthe problem and how to do to make the energy move out of that part of the body.

This reading can be done via e-mail. Because in each e-mail the students are writing to Jasmine.She is knowing what's going on with the student's situation and very often in each day she is writing back to her students to guide the long term students to improve themself by doing the self-improvement. With connect to the present moment of the student.

Most reading are given as the advice to the long term students that are often involved with in the serious practising. This reading is benefit to your next step of your present growth.

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