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Touch for Health and Well- Being

Jasmine Vishanu, is now offering the most elegant and most powerful Kundalini Massage Techniques. Release stress due to being in the present moment. Release situations, trauma and conflicts which are not understood, because there is no time to fix them. All of this can cause creative energy blocks manifested as stress, muscle soreness, stiffness, spasms and and pain.

The Kundalini Massage Techniques
Developed by Jasmine who is fully able to see where the energy blocks inside a client are and to slowly tune her energy to the great power of Kundalini Healing which helps her express deeper levels of healing. Jasmine combines a variety of scientifically and empirically developed massage techniques and uses the Kundalini Energy to heal deep parts of energy blocks caused by stress and past traumas that are stored in the deeper tissues of the body. The Kundalini massage technique is applied by the massage therapist who has learned to prepare themselves with a very deep connection to the great method of the Ulterior Kundalini Healing. In order to facilitate healing, the practitioner works with the intention of positively affecting health and well being. The techniques include holding, causing movement, and/or applying pressure through stroking the body in a series of actions that are systematic and rhythmic in nature.

By increasing your proprioceptive awareness (awareness of the body�s sensations from within) you will improve your ability to express the effects of conventional therapy and treatment. Greater ability to advocate for yourself during an illness will mean better compliance with whatever treatment plan you and your physician agree upon.

The Kundalini massage technique is a new art of massage which is rapidly gaining respect as a therapeutic tool that can help a wide variety of physical and psychological conditions in achieving a greater level of bodily and functional awareness, requiring that the masseuse be in the present moment

To release deep blocks, stress, relieve muscle soreness, stiffness, spasms and pain.
Here is a brief sampling of scientific studies supporting the benefits of massage in a diverse group of diseases which is based on the information of touch.
  • Children with mild to moderate juvenile rheumatoid arthritis who were massaged by their parents fifteen minutes a day for one month experienced less anxiety and a decrease in their levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, when compared to a control group practicing relaxation therapy. both the incidence and severity of pains were also reduced.

  • A group of premenstrual syndrome(PMS)sufferers was randomly assigned to receive either massage or relaxation therapy. Immediately after the massage sessions , the women experienced a decrease in pain and anxiety, and a lifting of their moods. By the end of the study, the massage therapy group reported a reduction in menstrual distress symptoms such as pain and water retention, when compared to the control group.

  • Young children with atopic dermatitis were massaged 20 minutes daily for 30 days by their parents. The children's mood and activity level immediately improved after massage, and their parents' anxiety decreased as well. Over the one-month period, the massaged children improved on all chinical measures including redness, scaling, lichenification, excoriation and infection, while the control group only improved on scaling.
Ken Wilbur, the noted transpersonal therapist, wrote that few of us have lost our minds, but most of us have long ago lost our bodies. Massage re-establishes this internal communication by overcoming our disconnection from our body and feelings. All the different types of massage attempt to re-educate the body tissue through manipulation or positioning of the tissue. The increased movement and structural changes in your body that occur through manipulation enhance energy flow and release emotional tensions that may be the cause of physical pain.

First and foremost, massage is a method of sensory-motor training, rather than a procedure or treatment, as practiced in modern Western medicine. Massage generates a flow of both old and new sensory information. The beauty of massage is that nothing is added or removed. The massage therapist is not an interventionist in the classical sense, he or she acts more as a facilitator.

All human beings are born with the need for touch. Research has identified what we always knew instinctively: We thrive on touch from infancy through childhood to adolescence. Therapeutic touching and massage create the bricks and mortar to sustain healthy growth, social and psychological balance throughout development, and maturity into old age. We can all benefit from the therapeutic effects found in the structured touch of massage.

Therapeutic massage is no longer perceived strictly as a luxury. It is fast becoming a popular therapy to help cope with the loss of time and quality in life that gets expressed in our home—our bodies.

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