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Kundalini Massage Training

Kundalini Massage Training is based on a variety of scientifically and empirically based theories. This sacred and unique style of bodywork incorporates the use of breath, tone and long rhythmical flowing movements of the body to connect the giver and receiver in a beautiful movement to develop massage techniques by using kundalini energy working with a deep rhythmical massage with the body's natural flow and rhythm, combined with the positive healing energy generated, to release tension and blockages in the body, it stimulates the flow of energy to promote self healing.

Kundalini Massage Training is applied by the massage therapist who has learned how to prepare themselves with a very deep connection with the use of the great method of Ulterior Kundalini Healing to massage for profound healing for the recipient and energize the practitioner at the same time. It is truly wonderful to give, and magical to receive and beautiful to experience. Every treatment is a personal and unique experience in alignment with the individual's specific needs and works on all levels.

This ancient spiritual transformer for mind, body and soul is magically moving to experience profound healing for the receiver and an exquisite experience for the giver. In this process of self discovery, you gain clarity, heightened awareness and understanding about your life while all while learning:

All participants have to complete 20 hours of Weekend Seminars
The first stage will teach you:
  • A unique and sacred transformational bodywork with "neutral positions"

  • To become more aware of diffirent energies that has an effect on your physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual and soul.

  • How to access your real power and potential.

  • Techniques to free the mind from distractions.

  • Body awareness, and body language.

  • How to build and maintain energy.

  • Special movement to balance and align your body, mind and soul.

  • To bring simple ritual and gentle, meditative movement back into your life.

  • A sacred tool of the spiritual tradition of the ancient power of nature to stir infinite knowing preconceived ideas of who you are.

  • To learn this honouring way of giving and receiving love in a world starved of genuine feeling from the heart and will change you in a seemingly magical way.

  • The tools during this sacred journey and willl leave you with many practical ways to remain connected to source and to keep the vision you retrieve alive and add depth and richness to your life.

  • Become part of a supportive, loving community of conscious beings who share a vision of life for all which will surpass your wildest imaginings. Apply pressure through stroking the body in a series of actions that are systematic and rhythmic in nature.

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