Jasmine introduction:
It is always a challenge to find the correct life
path, one which allows you to be completely open and
able to engage in deep truthful communication. The
correct profession always allows you work with people
you like and in an environment that encourages a full
expression of self. Becoming a spiritual guide has
proved itself to be the best professional choice for
me. It keeps me deeply connected to my intuition and
awareness. My role as a spiritual guide has led me to
heal others by solving their problems through creating
in them to a deep self knowledge and understanding of
Since childhood I have been very influenced by many
spiritual healers who were mediums. I was a sickly
child growing up in a small village far from town
without access to doctors or hospitals. I was often
sick with many different diseases and my only healer
was a hill tribe medicine man. As a child my body was
so tired and weak from battling my illnesses that I
would often travel out of my body in deep trance. I
often found myself channelling the spirit of my
grandmother's father who acted as my protector,
protecting me from the spirits who sought my demise
through my ailments. Channeling was a gift I was born
with because my body was so weak. From my childhood
experiences with channelling I learned to heal myself
while in a trance state, using deep consciousness. I
learned to see energy flows in my body as I perceived
where they were blocked and what was causing the
block. Self knowledge of energy lines, acquired though
constant personal effort, has allowed me to know the
entire story of my pain and how to see the pain of
I have always felt a strong connection to the power of
nature stemming from my Chinese father's teachings
about Taoism and the balancing of yin and yang. His
gift to all his children was to teach us the spiritual
concept of Chi. His interest and enthusiasm for
chinese philosophies about health and Taoism created a
powerful resonance in me. My fascination with chinese
philosophy made me love and enjoy Chinese Kung Fu
movies. Watching the movies I began to see the same
energy flow I had discovered in myself at a younger
age, reflected in the bodies of the actors. I could
see and predict each step of the movement and
understand their meaning as if I was reading them from
a book. I became completely involved with this dance
of energy and sometimes watched movies more than 10
hours a day.
I was 32 years old when I became exposed to and
explored Kundalini Energy. I immediately felt big
changes going on inside of me. I completely let go and
let that energy guide me deeper and deeper. During
that time I got incredible support from my best friend
and was allowed to fully expand into my growing state.
I felt no disturbance and was totally allowed to be
myself. Nine months later I knew that I had
experienced a rebirthing of myself and all the
negative parts of my energy - deep hate, anger, sex,
sadness and suffering were released in the process. I
am now living with this Kundalini energy and even when
I am at 100% I still trust myself and know I am on the
right path professionally. This life path has not just
defined me professionally but it has also allowed me
to deepen my relationships to my family improving my
life and health everyday.
I give thanks to mother earth for allowing me the
chance to be here and stand with both feet deep inside
her. I love and thank the cosmic father for blessing
me with love and light which allows me to channel this
energy to both support me and many other humans on
this planet. I love and thank all the holy spiritual
teachers that guide me to find my soul. I love and
cherish the whole family I was born into for my
freedom and gifts. I would like to thank my husband
that drives me deep past all my troubles and my
children for giving me a chance to be a mother,
helping me to experience growth and joy. Finally, I
would like to thank all my students that help me to
improve my life path because I as teach I understand
ever deeper truths.
How can you manifest and increase the energy flows in your body? How can you keep the
energy inside your system balanced and express it with the right method and
right moment of life with truth? With this professional program you will
fully process deep blocks inside you. You will have the opportunity to let
all of the energy in your body flow in such a way that will enable you to
fully understand the whole system of the energy and life style that you are
dealing with.
be intuitive means being able to perceive and act from a source of
information that is unavailable to the thinking self. Most people
become aware that they are drawing on this source when they have unexpected
insight, or act accurately, without being able to relate their own
reactions to a logical process.
If these unusual moments are recognized and examined, an internal system of perception can be uncovered. Once the system is identified, it's operation in ordinary decision-making becomes clear and can therefore be developed.
Because most people experience their personal energies unconsciously, their abilities in this field are limited, which gives them no sense of control over their mental and physical well being.
This seminar frees human consciousness from the images and
conditioning factors that severely limit expression of the full
potential of the individual.
Many people today are beginning to feel an inner pull towards
self-exploration in order to find the meanings and purposes
of their lives, and to experience that sense of fulfillment
which accompanies the carrying out of their purposes. |
This seminar is oriented toward practical application, intuitive skills in relationships and in daily
life. With it one learns to take better control of one's life, to be in the present and in the now, and
also to be able to relax when one needs to. One is able to communicate with depth and clarity,
acquire more certainly of oneself and calmer integration of the private and public aspects of
one's self. Students are taught specific skills and develop the ability to stay grounded and
centered in events, interactions and with the world at large.
These seminars offer you the means to know yourself, to gain control of, and understand your
life. These seminars help you remove energy blockages and limiting patterns, and gives you
a method by which you can solve your problems and relate to your surroundings in new ways.
It also helps you to become a winner with people, creating satisfying
relationships and discovering a new art of manifesting solutions to
your problems.
You will develop your leadership and decision-making abilities as never
before. You will obtain an expanding vision which leads to a greater integration and an integrity that inspires commitment and courage.
From this dynamic comes a process that produces work of unmistakable quality. This quality attracts the support of others, who further empower it.
Professional Seminars are 500 hours. You can be really independent and full confidentail of your ability. With these training. Your life will change in the better condition if you are ready for it.
